Process 1: Telar De Cintura
Waist loom weaving, also known as telar de cintura, is a traditional method of weaving using a small loom that is worn around the waist. This type of weaving is typically passed down from generation to generation and is used to create a variety of designs, including simple and elaborate patterns. The weaver uses a variety of techniques, such as counting stitches, to create the desired design. Waist loom weaving is a highly skilled and intricate art form.
Process 2: Cesteria
Cesteria, or basket weaving, is the art of weaving together flexible organic materials, such as palm leaves, to create a desired shape. The people who practice this craft are known as canasteros or cesteros, and it is one of the oldest crafts from Mesoamerica. In Mexico, there are two origins of cesteria: indigenous and Spanish. In the State of Mexico, the indigenous method of basket weaving is still used today.
Traditionally, baskets made using the cesteria process were used to carry fruits and other food back to villages and homes. Because of the materials and methods used in cesteria, it is considered a sustainable craft.
Process 3: Bordado
The traditional art of embroidery, known as bordado, is taught to children from a very young age. In the past, the tip of a maguey or agave plant was used as a needle for this technique. Like with waist loom weaving, the art of embroidery is passed down from generation to generation and the styles and designs vary from state to state.